Thursday, January 17, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
The Mummy Baby: 6500 Years old Peruvian Child

This Peruvian child mummy, known as the "Detmold Child," has been radiocarbon dated to 4504-4457 B.C. more than 3,000 years before the birth of King Tut. The child, which was about 10 months old when it died, naturally mummified in the hot, arid desert environment.
More than 6,500 years ago in Peru, this tiny baby's brief battle for life finally came to an end. The child, no more than 10 months old, had a serious heart defect and suffered from growth problems.
After contracting pneumonia and then suffering circulation failure the sick child died and was wrapped in linen and buried with an amulet hung around its neck.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Top 10 deadliest animals on the planet

Mosquitos carry the parasites that cause malaria which is responsible for the deaths of two million people every year.
2.Asian Cobra
Responsible for the majority of the 50,000 deaths by snakebite per year in India although it is not the most venomous.
3.Australian box jellyfish
The most venomous marine creature known to man, each tentacle has enough toxin to kill 60 people. Since 1884 at least 5,567 deaths have been attributed to these creatures
4.Great White Shark
Since 1876 shark has been responsible for 65 deaths worldwide and will develop a taste for human flesh once it has fed on a person. Each year 30-100 people die of shark attacks.
5.African Lion
African lions work together to prey upon other animals and kill around 70 humans per year in Tanzania. In total, lions are responsible for over 250 deaths each year.
6.Australian Saltwater Crocodile
The largest living reptile on the planet mature males can reach 23ft in length and are opportunistic hunters using 'death-roll' to drown and suffocate their prey. Every year, over 2,000 deaths are caused by crocodiles.
Elephants weight around 16 tonnes and are responsible for around 600 deaths every year through stamping and goring.
8.Polar Bear
The largest meat eater living on land, polar bears are extremely protective of their cubs and attack viciously when there is a perceived threat. A polar bear can cut off a human head with a swipe of its paw.
9.Cape Buffalo
The African Cape Buffalo will actively stalk and attack the hunter who wounded it. Each year it kills more humans in Africa than any other creature.
10.Poison Dart Frog
Native to the rainforests of South America their venom is enough to kill ten men and exudes from their skin. Natives run darts against their skin to use in hunting
Friday, May 11, 2012
World's Smallest Animals

1.World’s Smallest Dog
(12.4 cm (4.9-inch) tall)
At 1.4 pounds and 4.9 inches tall, Ducky, a yappy short-coat Chihuahua from Charlton (Massachusetts, USA), holds the Guinness World Record for the world's smallest living dog (by height). Ducky succeeds Danka Kordak of Slovakia, a Chihuahua who measured 5.4 inches tall. The smallest dog ever,according to Guinness, was a dwarf Yorkshire terrier who stood 2.8 inchestall.
2. World's Smallest Snake
(10.1 cm (4-inch) long)
Leptotyphlops carlae is the world's smallest species of snake, with adults averaging just under four inches in length. Found on the Caribbean island of Barbados, the species --which is as thin as a spaghetti noodle and small enough to rest comfortably on a U.S. quarter-- was discovered by Blair Hedges.
3.World’s Smallest Fish
(7.9 mm (0.3-inch) long)
On January 2006, the world's smallest fish was discovered on theIndonesian island of Sumatra: a member of the carp family of fish, the Paedocypris progenetica. It is the world's smallest vertebrate or backboned animal; only 7.9 mm (0.3 inches) long.
4.World’s Smallest Horse
(43.18 cm (17-inch) tall)
The little horse was born to Paul and Kay Goessling, who specialize in breeding miniature horses, but even for the breed Thumbelina is particularly small: she is thought to be a dwarf-version of the breed. At just 60 lb and 17-inch tall, the five-year-old Thumbelina is the world’s smallest horse.
5.World’s Smallest Cat
(15.5 cm (6.1-inch) high and 49 cm (19.2-inch) long)
Meet Mr. Peebles. He lives in central Illinois, is two years old, weighs about three pounds and is the world's smallest cat! The cat's small stature was verified by the Guinness Book of World Records on 2004.
6.World's Smallest Hamster
(2.5 cm (0.9-inch) tall)
Only slightly bigger than a 50p piece, PeeWee is the smallest hamster in the world. Weighing less than an ounce, the golden hamster stopped growing when he was three weeks old - his five brothers and sisters went on tomeasure between 4in and 5in.
7.World's Smallest Chameleon
(1.2 cm (0.5-inch) long)
The Brookesia Minima is the world's smallest species of chameleon. This one is just half an inch. Found on the rainforest floor of Nosy Be Island off the north-west coast of Madagascar, females tend to be larger than males.
8.World's Smallest Lizard
(16 mm (0.6-inch) long)
So small it can curl up on a dime or stretch out on a quarter, a typical adult of the species, whose scientific name is Sphaerodactylus ariasae is only about 16 millimeters long, or about three quarters of an inch, from the tip of the snout to the base of the tail. It shares the title of "smallest" with another lizard species named Sphaerodactylus parthenopion, discovered in 1965 in the British Virgin Islands.
9.World’s Smallest Cattle
(81 cm (31-inch) height)
The world’s smallest cattle is a rare breed of an Indian zebu called theVechur cow. The average height of this breed of cattle is 31 to 35 inches (81 to 91 cm). The photo above shows a 16 year old Vechur cattle as compared to a 6 year old HF cross-breed cow.
10.World's Smallest Seahorse: 16 mm (0.6-inch) long
The creature, known as Hippocampus denise, is typically just 16 millimetres long - smaller than most fingernails. Some were found to be just 13 mm long. H. denise lives in the tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean, between 13 and 90 metres beneath the surface.