
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Top 10 deadliest animals on the planet

Mosquitos carry the parasites that cause malaria which is responsible for the deaths of two million people every year.

2.Asian Cobra
Responsible for the majority of the 50,000 deaths by snakebite per year in India although it is not the most venomous.

3.Australian box jellyfish
The most venomous marine creature known to man, each tentacle has enough toxin to kill 60 people. Since 1884 at least 5,567 deaths have been attributed to these creatures

4.Great White Shark
Since 1876 shark has been responsible for 65 deaths worldwide and will develop a taste for human flesh once it has fed on a person. Each year 30-100 people die of shark attacks.

5.African Lion
African lions work together to prey upon other animals and kill around 70 humans per year in Tanzania. In total, lions are responsible for over 250 deaths each year.

6.Australian Saltwater Crocodile
The largest living reptile on the planet mature males can reach 23ft in length and are opportunistic hunters using 'death-roll' to drown and suffocate their prey. Every year, over 2,000 deaths are caused by crocodiles.

Elephants weight around 16 tonnes and are responsible for around 600 deaths every year through stamping and goring.

8.Polar Bear
The largest meat eater living on land, polar bears are extremely protective of their cubs and attack viciously when there is a perceived threat. A polar bear can cut off a human head with a swipe of its paw. 

9.Cape Buffalo
The African Cape Buffalo will actively stalk and attack the hunter who wounded it. Each year it kills more humans in Africa than any other creature.

10.Poison Dart Frog
 Native to the rainforests of South America their venom is enough to kill ten men and exudes from their skin. Natives run darts against their skin to use in hunting

Friday, May 11, 2012

World's Smallest Animals

1.World’s Smallest Dog
(12.4 cm (4.9-inch) tall)
At 1.4 pounds and 4.9 inches tall, Ducky, a yappy short-coat Chihuahua from Charlton (Massachusetts, USA), holds the Guinness World Record for the world's smallest living dog (by height). Ducky succeeds Danka Kordak of Slovakia, a Chihuahua who measured 5.4 inches tall. The smallest dog ever,according to Guinness, was a dwarf Yorkshire terrier who stood 2.8 inchestall.

2. World's Smallest Snake
(10.1 cm (4-inch) long)
Leptotyphlops carlae is the world's smallest species of snake, with adults averaging just under four inches in length. Found on the Caribbean island of Barbados, the species --which is as thin as a spaghetti noodle and small enough to rest comfortably on a U.S. quarter-- was discovered by Blair Hedges. 

3.World’s Smallest Fish
(7.9 mm (0.3-inch) long)
On January 2006, the world's smallest fish was discovered on theIndonesian island of Sumatra: a member of the carp family of fish, the Paedocypris progenetica. It is the world's smallest vertebrate or backboned animal; only 7.9 mm (0.3 inches) long. 

4.World’s Smallest Horse
(43.18 cm (17-inch) tall)
The little horse was born to Paul and Kay Goessling, who specialize in breeding miniature horses, but even for the breed Thumbelina is particularly small: she is thought to be a dwarf-version of the breed. At just 60 lb and 17-inch tall, the five-year-old Thumbelina is the world’s smallest horse. 

5.World’s Smallest Cat
(15.5 cm (6.1-inch) high and 49 cm (19.2-inch) long)
Meet Mr. Peebles. He lives in central Illinois, is two years old, weighs about three pounds and is the world's smallest cat! The cat's small stature was verified by the Guinness Book of World Records on 2004. 

6.World's Smallest Hamster
(2.5 cm (0.9-inch) tall)
Only slightly bigger than a 50p piece, PeeWee is the smallest hamster in the world. Weighing less than an ounce, the golden hamster stopped growing when he was three weeks old - his five brothers and sisters went on tomeasure between 4in and 5in. 

7.World's Smallest Chameleon
(1.2 cm (0.5-inch) long)
The Brookesia Minima is the world's smallest species of chameleon. This one is just half an inch. Found on the rainforest floor of Nosy Be Island off the north-west coast of Madagascar, females tend to be larger than males. 

8.World's Smallest Lizard
(16 mm (0.6-inch) long)
So small it can curl up on a dime or stretch out on a quarter, a typical adult of the species, whose scientific name is Sphaerodactylus ariasae is only about 16 millimeters long, or about three quarters of an inch, from the tip of the snout to the base of the tail. It shares the title of "smallest" with another lizard species named Sphaerodactylus parthenopion, discovered in 1965 in the British Virgin Islands. 

9.World’s Smallest Cattle
(81 cm (31-inch) height)
The world’s smallest cattle is a rare breed of an Indian zebu called theVechur cow. The average height of this breed of cattle is 31 to 35 inches (81 to 91 cm). The photo above shows a 16 year old Vechur cattle as compared to a 6 year old HF cross-breed cow. 

10.World's Smallest Seahorse: 16 mm (0.6-inch) long
The creature, known as Hippocampus denise, is typically just 16 millimetres long - smaller than most fingernails. Some were found to be just 13 mm long. H. denise lives in the tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean, between 13 and 90 metres beneath the surface

Cool & Weird Frogs

Vietnamese Mossy Frog

The Marsupial Frog

The Surinam toad 

The Purple Frog

The Golden Toad

Turtle Frog

The Gastric Brooding Frog

The Hairy Frog

Top 10 Creepy Deep Sea Creatures

1.Blue-Ringed Octopus

2. Stargazer Fish

3.The Elbowed Magnapinna Squid

4.Pelican Eel

5.Vampire Squid

6.Deep Sea Lizard Fish

7.Promachoteutis Sulcus

8. Snake-headed Fish

9.Tiburonia Granrojo

10.The Hagfish

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Top 10 Strange flying animal

10.Flying Squirrel
Okay, as flying animals go, flying squirrels are almost mundane; at least most of us have heard of them, although the closest we have come to seeing one was when one hung out with a stupid cartoon moose. The real animal is pretty strange; it looks like someone ironed out a hamster and made it jump from trees. Flying squirrels are the world record holders for “flying” animals, which is to say, of all the gliding animals that are called fliers, they go the farthest, reaching a stunning 288 feet in a single jump! The only humans to go that far after a jump unfortunately fell 30 stories and had to have the evening news tell of their “accomplishment.”

9.Flying Phalangers
Okay, if you have no idea what a phalanger is, join the club. They are apparently an Australian subfamily of possum that manages to survive the horrors of that island continent by cuting them into submission. I mean it, that picture is an adult. I can only imagine the babies are…. Holy crap… Lookatthose… If they made Care Bears that looked like that, adult men would scream and cry if they were forced to leave Toy ‘R’ Us without one.
At any rate, the most famous phlying phalanger is the sugar glider, which sounds like it flies with fairies and delivers laughs to kittens. They can glide for about 50 to 150 feet and are likely the cutest thing to ever take to the air. It’s also the last thing on the list that would even remotely qualify as “cute.”

8.Flying Lemurs 
These things are called flying lemurs because “air sailing horror-beast” was too wordy. Or maybe because they are related to lemurs. Believe it or not, that is the closest thing on earth to being a primate without actually being one. They are also called colugos and outside of bats, they are the mammals most highly adapted for flight. As you can see, their limbs and tail are connected by flaps of skin that connect out to the very ends of them, thereby increasing their surface area and making them better gliders. They are apparently incredibly bad climbers, which is odd since they glide rather than fly, but are extremely maneuverable and can glide up to 3230 feet, with almost no loss in height. (most other “gliders” are more accurately “controlled fallers”).
They are also really scary looking animals that have no doubt inspired tales of flying monkeys stealing children.

7.Flying Lizard
I am of the mind that lizards, at least the small ones, are kind of cute. They often have big doe-like eyes and rid the world of bugs. However I am also of the mind that anything that drops on you from a tree unexpectedly is instantly frightening. Pictured above is an Indonesian lizard of the genus Draco, which as you may have guessed, means “dragon.” They have been known to glide as far as 195 feet while only losing 30 feet in height from the initial jump.  Unlike the flying mammals, they don’t have loose skin strung between their arms and legs for gliding, but rather extended ribs, which makes them about the only thing in nature to achieve a super power by being blended with one of Jigsaw’smurder machines.

6.Flying snake
If you are afraid of snakes, you probably did not need to know that in some parts of the world, you are in danger of them gliding out of the forest canopy and landing on you. Sorry about that. They also live in the same parts of the world as the flying lemur and the flying lizard, which makes me wonder, what is in those trees that is so bad that multiple animals evolved gliding abilities to escape it?
The flying snakes are “mildly venomous”, which means they have poison, but it is not harmful to humans. Likely 90% of the people who read that don’t care about the “not dangerous to humans” part and will likely focus on the fact that South East Asia and Indonesia have flying poison snakes. Life in that part of the world must be like a game of Pitfall.

5.Flying Frog
Finally, we move past horror animals into merely curious. Flying frogs have apparently evolved from several different lines of frog, in most places in the world where there are tree-dwelling tropical frogs. They developed their “parachuting” ability as a means of predator evasion, and fortunately lack the pants-wetting ability of flying lizards and snakes because even a giant house-sized frog would be inherently adorable.
Appropriately enough, the first described flying frogs were found in Malaysia and Indonesia, where they spend their lives dodging every other flying creature. I can only imagine the forest skies of those nations look like air traffic control screens, only filled with bug eating animals and snakes.

4.Flying Fish
Okay, no more jumping out of trees, these guys live in the ocean.  While flying from one tree to another is impressive,leaping out of the ocean and gliding 160 feet is awesome. Now, the flying squirrel may have the tree to tree world record, but they have nothing at all on flying fish. The record for a sustained glide by a flying fish is 1300 feet, at a speed of 42 miles per hour! The achieve flight by beating their tail 70 times a second and launching themselves out of the water, then ride the updrafts waves produce. They can fly up to 20 feet vertically into the air, and sometimes accidentally strand themselves on ships.
Those are impressive numbers for an animal that is generally designed to swim for a living, and can’t even breathe air.

3.Mobula Ray
What is 17 feet across, weighs over a ton, and can launch itself out of the sea? Why, a mobulaof course! As rays go, they are only second in size to the manta ray, and they can jump as high as 6 and a half feet out of the water. Now, there is some danger here; a woman in Florida was killed when an eagle ray jumped into the boat she was on and hit her, and they top out at a few hundred pounds. Imagine being hit with a flying ton of fish. Still, there are videos on youtube of these things breaching, and it is pretty damn spectacular.

2.Gliding Ants
Okay, so there are species of ant that fly with wings, so what is so interesting about “gliding” ants? These are un-winged ants that fall into a very specific subset of requirements, like having good eyesight, living in rain forests that flood, and forage for food at the ends of branches. They also tend to be armored. When they fall from trees, they focus on the lighter color of the trunk against the darker forest background, and then flatten their head, legs and abdomen and then glide from free-fall to a J-shaped flight, and then grasp the tree. The whole thing seems to have developed as a way to avoid falling out of trees and being eaten on the forest floor. Gliding ants have an 85% greater chance of falling and landing on a tree than ants that just fall. So nature deigned ants that are clumsy, but make up for it by being X-Men.

1.Flying Squid
That is no PhotoShop, that is an actual squid gliding over the ocean. Believe it or not, they actually display behaviors that show they actively maintain their glide, meaning they may not be gliders at all and may actually be flying squids. They act very much like the flying fish, using their ability to evade predators, and also wind up on ship decks.
Scientists aren’t exactly sure how they manage to launch themselves or maintain their flights, which adds a layer of mystery to the already weird fact that they are cephalopods that can take to the air and glide. Flying fish can be related to at least a little bit, since we probably evolved from fish some time way back in the past, but the only mollusks to ever leave the water were snails and slugs, so this is kind of like the fish skipping the amphibian and reptile stages and jumping right into birds.

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