
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pit Viper

  • There is a group of snakes that are known as Pit Vipers.
  •  Not only are these snakes venomous they also have a very 'cool' heat sensing system. 
  • This helps these snakes to find prey in the dark, which is when most snakes like to hunt. The ‘pit’ is a special organ in between the eyes and the nostrils. 
  • The pit senses body heat from animals and gives the snake a ‘picture’ of that animal. 
  • The snake can then attack it. Some pit vipers will bite and poison the prey and then release it.
  •  It will follow the dying animal, using its heat sensors, until it stops and the snake can swallow it.
  •  Most pit vipers hunt at night when the air is cooler and the heat from rodents and other prey is most obvious to them. 
  • The ‘heat picture’ from larger animals will tell the snake that a quick escape is a good idea.
  • All rattlesnakes are Pit Vipers.  Water Moccasins, Horned Desert Viper, Lance-head, Eyelash Viper, the Copperhead, and some Tree Boas are a few other examples of pit vipers.


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