The Thorny devil lizard is an Australian reptile , its body is covered with thorns .Despite its appearance it is totally harmless .Mostly found in the Central and western deserts and light bush land.
They feed on a wide variety of ants .They catch ant by its tongue which is similar to that of an ant eater.Average life span nearly 20 years.The Thorny Devil's body is ridged in structure, and enables the animal to collect water from any part of its body, which is then channeled to the mouth. It also features a spiny "false-head" on the back of the neck .
The thorny devil is covered in hard, somewhat sharp spines to dissuade predators by making it difficult to swallow. It also has a false head on its back: when it feels threatened it lowers its head between its front legs, and only the false head is visible.And the Thorny devil also had the special ability to change its color.
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